The Visual Arts Council
ASPEC’s reputation in the Tampa Bay arts community is well known, and is reflected in the caliber and range of the professional artists who participate, each year, in the ‘Annual Artist’s Invitational Exhibition” from across the U.S., and who entrust their art to the Academy.
The Academy Arts council, co-chairs Ann Rascoe and Jim Sweeny, are assisted by many ASPEC volunteers in hosting this show which features artists who also hold seminars on their art skills and styles, at the Academy. Academy members have many opportunities to involve themselves in the visual arts.
Experience, training, and talent are not criteria for participation. Many members have discovered hidden talents and have enhanced them under the guidance of more experienced Academy artists, attending workshops and classes.
ASPEC has a weekly studio art program for any members, who enjoy artwork, the camaraderie of a workshop, and feedback for from other artists. This ranges from beginners, to accomplished artists. Visiting artists also participate in these workshops.
The Visual Art’s Council also hosts art shows. Annually, we host an ANNUAL MEMBERS ART SHOW. This is a major event in our yearly calendar. The academy’s member artists, of whom there are many, are given their chance to exhibit their work in the show.
Throughout the year the Visual Art’s Council plans an active and varied schedule of events and activities, year round. This includes a weekly “Arts Review” often including featured and visiting artists, talking about their techniques, inspiration, and personal experiences as an artist.
Other regular events include classes on art history, talks by art collectors museum and gallery directors, and frequent visits to museums and artists’ studios.
The Art’s Council is very active in the Tampa Bay and Florida arts community, and builds close ties with other arts organizations. The Academy recently hosted a show of art work by Creative Clay, a unique organization, based in St. Petersburg, that has an array of programs that supports and develops artists with disabilities.
Weekly Programs
Check out our upcoming week of events and activities.